You must have an active appointment in the Human Resources database to be given instructor or staff access to Pathway. As part of this process, you will be assigned an employee ID number.
The HR facilitator in your academic unit must submit a paper application for your HR appointment.
This form must be signed by the instructor/faculty member before they can be submitted. If the instructor is a volunteer and will not be getting compensation from the University, if they will be asked to assign grades or access other areas of the Pathway Student Information System or the Canvas e-learning system, they will still need to get a faculty appointment and EMPLID.
The HR facilitator in your academic unit must submit a signed SSO account request form to the Human Resources office.
The HR office will forward a copy of the SSO form to the Information Services Call Center for the setup of your SSO account and mailbox.
The Technology Support Center will notify the IT Liaison for your academic unit of the new account and opening password.
The IT Liaison will contact the instructor/faculty member with this information.
The FERPA Training and required exam can be accessed at by
logging in with your UM System Email and Password. Select the FERPA Training tile.
Anyone that needs access to the FERPA Training site must have an active HR appointment. New
employees to UMKC will be auto-enrolled into the FERPA Training site once they have an active
HR appointment.
Once you complete the training, your results will be graded and recorded. You must get a passing grade (80% or greater) in order to qualify as FERPA-compliant.
You must be listed as the instructor of record on the Schedule of Classes to have access to the Class Roster and Grade Roster for a class. The request to be added as the instructor of record must come from the designated scheduling representative in your department.
In order to be able to log-in to Canvas as an instructor and see the class(es) you are teaching, two things need to happen:
An employee needing access to Pathway to view student records or other information (not related to teaching responsibilities) must complete the Pathway Access Request Form and have the form signed by the head of their department or unit. Completed forms can be faxed or mailed to Registration and Records.
If there is another current staff member who has the type of access needed, you can indicate on the form to "Copy {insert user's SSO} access."
This is our most comprehensive access to student records and includes admission, academic records, and personal information on applicants, current, and former students. It includes the ability to add and remove service indicators and information on classes scheduled and class rosters. For most academic advisors and administrative assistants in academic departments, this role is sufficient, although you may choose to add the Permission Numbers role.
If a class requires consent, one person in each department has been designated to have access to input permission for individual students to register for specific "consent required" sections.
This role is designed for a department chair who does not have advising responsibilities. In addition to some basic student record information, this role also has access to view the grade rosters for all classes in his/her department.
This role is designed for the staff member who has class scheduling responsibilities, but does not need access to student records. It includes view access to the Catalog of courses and the Schedule of Classes.
This role is designed to give a staff member access to add and remove service indicators (holds), but not have access to other student record information.
This role is designed to allow staff members to view the catalog and class search, and individual student's names, address, phone numbers, and directory information. This role does not include class schedules or grade information on individual students.
This role is designed to allow student service departments on campus to tell if a student is currently enrolled and assist the student in utilizing the various student services available to them.
Get more detailed information about each of these processes in Pathway:
Once you get access to Pathway, let us help you with whatever task you need to complete. Check out our handy instruction guides for whatever you need.
If you have advising access in Pathway, our Academic Advising document will help you know where to find the information you need.
Pathway Schedule Planner (PDF)
Advisor/Admin Class Roster (PDF)
See who's registered, who's dropped, and e-mail those enrolled
Assigning Advisors to Students (PDF)
Students can view their assigned advisor in Pathway Self Service, it prints on their DARS report, and links the advisor and student in Connect
Changing Student's Max Hours (PDF)
Students must petition to enroll in more than 17 hours in the Fall and Spring semesters
Class Search/Schedule of Classes (PDF)
Print a Transfer Credit Report (PDF)
View the external classes a student has taken and their UMKC equivalent
Print an Academic Advising Profile (PDF)
Reviewing Advisee Information (PDF)
Current Major, Academic Standing, Photo, Class Schedule, etc.
Student Permission (PDF)
One person in each department has the capability of assigning student permission to enroll in consent required classes.
PeopleSoft/Pathway Terminology (PDF)
"I Can't Register on Pathway!" Common Problems and the Solutions (PDF)
Pathway Advisor training is offered upon special requests only. Contact Amy Cole at to request a training session. Note: You must have access to Pathway before you attend a training session.
Pathway Advisor training sessions are intended for student services coordinators, academic advisors and administrative assistants who refer to this information on a daily basis.
This session is NOT recommended for faculty who have minimal advising responsibilities. If you have any questions about whether you should attend this training, contact Amy Cole at 235-1211.