All students new to UMKC are required to meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes. Depending on your major, you may be required to meet with your academic advisor prior to registering each semester. New freshmen are required to go to orientation.
If advising is required for you, you will have an academic advising hold in Pathway. Your advisor can remove this hold after you have met with them. Make sure you meet with your advisor prior to your assigned priority registration date. If you have more than one major, you may be required to meet with multiple academic advisors to have all of your advising holds removed.
Many courses require special consent for enrollment. See the department so your student ID can be input in Pathway to allow you to register for the course.
For undergraduates, a program of 18 or more semester hours constitutes an overload and requires an advisor’s approval. For graduate students, a program of 12 or more hours constitutes an overload and requires approval by the dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
Students are expected to maintain a grade point average that meets or exceeds the minimum as established for their degree program. If a student’s GPA falls below the minimum, the student will be placed on some form of probation or will become ineligible for further study at UMKC.
If a student becomes ineligible, they may petition to their academic unit for continued enrollment or to another academic unit for acceptance. Each academic unit establishes the minimum GPA necessary to be in good academic standing and determines what form of probation is appropriate for students who are not in good standing. Students are responsible for knowing the GPA requirements of their academic unit.
For more information about academic probation, contact an academic advisor in the appropriate academic unit. Students on probation must get advising before registering for classes.
UMKC will apply administrative holds on students’ accounts when students owe UMKC past due balances or any form of debt (such as library books, traffic and parking fines, etc.). These holds may prevent students from registering for classes until debts are settled. Administrative holds also are applied for some non-financial reasons (such as academic ineligibility, disciplinary actions, missing admissions documents, etc.). You can view which office has applied an administrative hold in the Pathway under the Notifications tile.
Roo Advising helps students understand their degree program requirements and graduation path. They will engage with faculty and career services to prepare for their future.
Each school or college has their own academic advisors. Students can meet with these advisors to review course schedules or get more information about their degree program.
All Bloch master's and graduate certificate students are advised by staff in the Bloch Graduate Programs Office. Students can email or contact the appropriate advisor:
Bloch Graduate Students last names A-K:
Gwen Kelley
Bloch Graduate Students last names L-Z
Barb Domke
All newly admitted graduate students must take the matriculation exam in music history and theory and are required to meet with their advisor before registering. Call 816-235-2900 for an appointment.
Graduate advising
Registration information will be provided via email to each dental, dental hygiene and graduate dental student. Students outside of the School of Dentistry must obtain permission to register in any School of Dentistry course from the associate dean for academic affairs and the dental school’s registrar.
Dean’s Office
650 E. 25th St., room 440
Phone: 816-235-2010
Phone: 816-235-2081
Student Programs
Phone: 816-235-2080
The School of Dentistry maintains a policy of mandatory attendance for all scheduled classroom, laboratory and clinical courses.
Any student desiring to withdraw from their dental program must submit their request to withdraw in writing to the associate dean for academic affairs. Prior to final approval to withdraw, students must obtain clearance through each designated department.
Graduate students must have an approved program of study on file prior to completing the final 15 credit hours of their degree program. Degree program outlines are available in the Education Student Services Office. Departmental faculty advise all graduate students. Programs in counseling psychology, counselor education and educational administration require a special application packet.
Graduate students who are conditionally admitted must have met with a faculty advisor to determine the first four classes to complete to remove themselves from probationary status.
Note: Non-education majors on probation are not allowed to enroll in education courses.
School of Education Student Services Office
129 Education Building
Phone: 816-235-2234
Graduate students can schedule an appointment with a faculty adviser about available degree options. If you do not know who your adviser is, please contact the administrative assistant for your department at the phone number or e-mail below:
ASSC 120
Phone: 816-235-1161
Graduate students are expected to become familiar with the general graduate academic regulations in the UMKC Graduate Catalog. When specific degree requirements are more stringent than the general regulations, the degree-specific regulations take precedence. When all course requirements have been met, graduate students must be continuously enrolled each fall and winter semester. The continuous enrollment requirement may be met by enrolling in Grad. 5899 continuous graduate enrollment and paying the equivalent of one graduate credit hour fee for no academic credit. Information on how to enroll in Grad. 5899 is available at the Registration Office.
Graduate students who plan to graduate during this term must take the following steps:
If approved by their degree program’s principal graduate advisor, graduate students may repeat a course once to improve grade point average or satisfy degree requirements. Graduate students should submit a course repeat form to the Registration Office no later than the fourth week of the term. Students seeking graduate degrees are limited to repeating no more than 20 percent of the course hours applicable toward their degrees.
If you are on academic probation, you must be advised in Scofield Hall, room 9, before you will be released for registration. This advising cannot be completed by telephone. Call 816-235-1148 for more information.
Each program provides academic advising for their graduate students.
More information about advising can be found at:
Students must obtain permission to register in any law classes from the associate dean and the registrar of the Law School.
Dean’s Office
1-200 Law School
Phone: 816-235-1644
Phone: 816-235-1688
Student Programs
Phone: 816-235-1654
A student enrolled in a course cannot unilaterally withdraw from it but must secure permission from the associate dean to do so, and must follow prescribed withdrawal procedures. A student who is not in good standing in the course at the time of withdrawal (has earned a grade of 'F' at that point) will receive a grade of 'F' for the course.
Students enrolling in School of Medicine coursework at the undergraduate, graduate, or professional level must first be admitted to a School of Medicine degree program or certificate. All students are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to registration, and advising information is sent to students from the School of Medicine Admissions Office upon admission.
Student Affairs Office (located at the Health Science District School of Medicine building)
Phone: 816-235-1900
UMKC School of Medicine students enrolled in a course can not unilaterally withdraw, but must first secure advice from an advisor and, when appropriate, permission from the degree program.
School of Nursing and Health Studies
All graduate students must adhere to their plan of study or touch base with an academic adviser prior to registering for classes should a student want to change their plan of study.
Corrina Beck, B.H.S. senior advisor (A-K)
Phone: 816-235-5788
Georgia Friedhof, Graduate program advisor (L-Z)
Phone: 816-235-1740
Christian Cooper, B.H.S. program advisor (P-Z) and R.N.-B.S.N. program advisor (A-Z)
Phone: 816-235-1710
Jennifer Lyles, B.S.N. program advisor (L-Z)
Phone: 816-235-6252
Lauren Newcomer, B.S.N. program advisor (A-K)
Phone: 816-235-5768
Casey Bauer, Director
Phone: 816-235-1733
Amber Blair, Office Support
Phone: 816-235-1700
1219 Health Sciences Building
2464 Charlotte
Kansas City, MO 64108
Recruitment and Admissions Coordinator – Steve McDonald
Administrative Assistant - Preston Sands
Director, Advising and Programming - Shelly Janasz
Senior Student Recruitment Specialist - Laneshia Neely
The School of Pharmacy Student Affairs Office (OSA) works closely with students prior to entry, throughout the admission process, and while enrolled in the University and/or Doctor of Pharmacy Pharm.D. program.
The School of Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs staff are knowledgeable about program requirements and enrollment, academic preparation resources and assistance, admission prerequisites, student organizations, career planning, as well as other campus student services. Both current and prospective students are encouraged to contact any one of the OSA staff members for assistance. Please visit the School of Pharmacy website for more information.
Pharmacy Assurance and pre-pharmacy students must schedule an appointment with an advisor in the Pharmacy Office of Student Affairs (OSA) for enrollment release prior to each term of enrollment.
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) students on probation or on contract must meet with their faculty advisor prior to registering each term. Pharm.D. students can find specific registration information, curriculum requirements and important accouncements through the OSA Canvas page.
Pharmacy graduate students must meet with their major faculty advisor to plan their program of study and faculty committee and review progress on a regular basis. A program of study must be filed with Graduate Programs Committee within the first academic year of graduate study.
Each program provides academic advising for their graduate students.
More information about advising can be found at
Need assistance with advising for continuing education? Here's a handy list of contacts for students taking classes in any of these schools: